Army of Darkness
Director: Sam Raimi Run Time: 81 min. Format: DCP Rating: R Release Year: 1992
Starring: Bruce Campbell, Embeth Davidtz, Marcus Gilbert, Ian Abercrombie
Part of our recipe book series NITEHAWK CINEMA PRESENTS. Show your ticket at the bar after the movie to buy a copy of the book for only $20!
At the end of Evil Dead 2 we saw our beloved Ash (sans hand but still alive) get sucked into a swirling time-travel vortex that landed him and his Oldsmobile all the way back in 1300 AD. Army of Darkness picks up from this point as Ash becomes a slave-then-hero to the medieval masses as he and his “boomstick” have to, once again, battle the dead. The Necronomicon is back too as the tome that has the power to send Ash back home but it also continues to do what it does best: unearth those pesky dead.
Hilarious, gory, and full of comic book-style special effects and brilliant one-liners, Army of Darkness is one of the true delights in horror. Hail to the King!