Pokémon Detective Pikachu is a thrilling adventure to unravel a tangled mystery set in the neon-lit streets of Ryme City – a sprawling, modern metropolis where humans and Pokémon live side by side. The film opens on Friday at Nitehawk Prospect Park and to accompany this family-friendly flick is a curated special that adults should catch for themselves. The selection features an ahi tuna poké ball and a coffee-inspired cocktail blended with scotch, black cherry, and clove syrup. While trying to solve the case, electrify your tastebuds at Nitehawk Prospect Park.
Poké Ball
Ahi tuna, wakame, cucumber, avocado mousse, Korean chile, sesame seeds, nori, fried wonton
Black as Night
Mr. Black coffee liquor, Black Bottle blended scotch, black cherry and clove syrup, hot coffee