Caddy Shack
Director: Harold Ramis Run Time: 98 min. Format: Digital Rating: R Release Year: 1980
Starring: Bill Murray, Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, Ted Knight
Part of THE WORKS – BILL MURRAY. A snooty and exclusive golf club deals with all sorts of comedic insanity in this tale of the snobs versus the slobs!
In Caddyshack, the blue-blooded Bushwick Country Club desperately tries to maintain its dignity when an influx of “undesirables” invade the club: there’s the brazen Al Czervik (perfectly played by Rodney Dangerfield, farts, one-liners and all), the lecherous Ty Webb (“feels like ten bucks” Chevy Chase), and Carl Spackler (Bill Murray an groundsman with mental problems battling a gopher). At the center is poor Judge Elihu Smails who really loves golf and wants to maintain an, ahem, certain decorum.
Bill Murray’s portrayal of the military-stylings of Carl Spackler is one of comedic cinema history. More than offbeat, he’s downright dumb in his epic battle with a much smarter gopher. It’s a small storyline but certainly one of the most memorable.