Grand Hotel
Director: Edmund Goulding Run Time: 112 min. Format: 35mm Rating: NR Release Year: 1932
Starring: Greta Garbo, Joan Crawford, John Barrymore, Lionel Barrymore, Wallace Beery
Nitehawk’s BOOZE & BOOKS presents a 35mm screening of GRAND HOTEL in celebration New York Review Books’ revised translation of Vicki Baum’s novel. Introduction by Noah Isenberg.
Booze: THE BERLIN (Bourbon, Barenjäger, Underberg Bitters) – $10
Books: Copies of GRAND HOTEL will be for sale days before release!
In the great 1932 screen drama, Grand Hotel, based on the novel by Vicki Baum, the glitz and glitter of Berlin’s opulent Grand Hotel comes alive with the personal stories of its guests and employees. Set in a single day in Berlin’s Grand Hotel, jewel thief Baron Felix von Geigern (John Barrymore) covets both prima ballerina Grusinskaya’s (Greta Garbo) jewels and the beautiful Flaemmchen (Joan Crawford), who is the mistress of the Preysing (Wallace Beery), boss to the terminally ill Otto Kringelein (Lionel Barrymore). In just 24 hours, the lives of these people will change forever in this Hollywood classic and winner of the “Best Picture” Academy Award.
Featuring an introduction by Noah Isenberg, the New York Review Books’ revised translation of Vicki Baum’s Grand Hotel is officially released on June 7. Isenberg is director of screen studies at the New School and the author, most recently, of Edgar G. Ulmer: A Filmmaker at the Margins (California, 2014). His new book, We’ll Always Have Casablanca: The Life, Legend, and Afterlife of Hollywood’s Most Beloved Movie, is due out from W.W. Norton in 2017.