Hollywood 90028
Director: Christina Hornisher Run Time: 76 min. Format: 35mm Rating: R Release Year: 1973
Starring: Christopher Augustine, Jeannette Dilger, Dick Glass, Gayle Davis
The Deuce Film Series’s 100th screening!! Come celebrate!
Read about the history of our series THE DEUCE and its 100th screening at Screen Slate
The Deuce has your hearts in mind this Valentine season – and is going to break them with HOLLYWOOD 90028! Mark and Michele don’t exactly “meet cute” but find semi-solace in each other as two like, lonely lost souls struggling to get by – adrift in the seedy underbelly of early 70s LA… pouring their hearts out – their hopes and fears – like water from an overflowing well… he a wanna-be “cinematographer” wiling away shooting low-end porn with dreams of “getting somewhere” – she already knowing her porno-present has no future – nothing left to dream for… the bigger difference being: Mark is also a murderer!!
The sole feature freak-show from female director Christina Hornisher (billed here as “Craig Hansen”) plays more like a proto-feminist psychodrama than the grindhouse nudie-horror-thriller it’s (un) dressed up to be – subverting genre expectations at every head-scratching turn as it twists its meandering way under your creeped-out skin! With a beautiful original poster evocative of Freud and Michael Powell’s Peeping Tom – the zip-coded 1973-lensed conundrum baffled and bopped around drive-ins unnoticed before finally finding its way to the slack-jawed end-of-the-Seventies burn-outs of the Deuce’s Liberty Theatre under the more titillating title: THE HOLLYWOOD HILLSIDE STRANGLER… Many wept – as it’s a tale that hits close to home even a country-length and near-decade (now half-century) away… Everyone lives alone… will we die alone, too? See it with someone you trust – see it with The Deuce!