Normal Life
Director: John McNaughton Run Time: 101 min. Format: 35mm Rating: R Release Year: 1996
Starring: Ashley Judd, Luke Perry, Bruce A. Young, Jim True-Frost
In the midst of a familiar suburban landscape full of big box stores and abandoned strip malls, Chris (Luke Perry) struggles as a cop, not willing to play along with dishonest colleagues. When he first encounters Pam (Ashley Judd), he is drawn to her chaotic energy, and the two quickly fall in love. But Pam bristles at any expectation that she be a dutiful wife, drawn as she is to the mysteries of far away galaxies and black holes, seeking the extraordinary. Only when she discovers Chris has started to rob banks to elevate their lifestyle does she emerge from the malaise, invigorated by the danger.
Based on a real life couple from the Chicago area, Normal Life puts the talents of its two stars on display. Director John McNaughton empathetically portrays how people struggling to stay afloat could opt for a life of crime.