Director: William Lustig Run Time: 92 min. Format: 35mm Rating: R Release Year: 1989
Starring: Judd Nelson, Robert Loggia, Leo Rossi, Meg Foster
This April, our favorite big-time Deuce-Buddy – Bill Lustig – is back to rock the house with his roller-coaster suspense-shocker RELENTLESS – just like it did when it rolled into Times Square’s Cine 42!
Lackadaisical LA veteran detective, Robert Loggia, gets riled up by Leo Rossi’s Brooklyn-bred “rookie” newcomer into nabbing sicko psycho serial murderer, Judd Nelson… The ex-Breakfast Clubber has Daddy issues with a capital “D” – causing him to do dastardly deeds – like picking people with his own name from the phone-book to provoke into… murdering THEMSELVES!?!
Lustig’s borderline ludicrous foray into “mainstream” movie-making makes the most of its familiar-feeling plot with wild style, weirdo details, and all around wacked-out acting… with a deliriously down-beat and devilishly creepy-crawly performance by the former Brat-Packer! Unsettling!! Uncomfortable!! A sharp and slick action-packed late 80s surprise – a whirlwind of wanton revenge and vengeance… it’s RELENTLESS!