The Boxer’s Omen
Run Time: 99 min. Format: DCP Rating: NR Release Year: 1983 Language: Chinese with English Subtitles
“Where on Earth to begin? THE BOXER’S OMEN — easily the most notorious film in the entire Shaw Brothers catalogue — is THE HOLY MOUNTAIN, ALTERED STATES and ROCKY all rolled into one. It’s the Wizard Battle movie to end all Wizard Battle movies. It’s all of ’70s gonzo kickass cinema compressed into an insane little ball and blasted through a garishly-colored ’80s Hong Kong filter. It’s one of the craziest damned things you’ll ever witness in a movie theater. This hexadelical, truly incredible piece of cinematic black magic is a guaranteed mug-melter or your money back.
We could tell you the plot, but honestly, you could see the film multiple times and still not know what happens in it.” – American Genre Film Archive