The Sacrifice Game
Director: Jenn Wexler Run Time: 97 min. Format: DCP Release Year: 2023
Starring: Mena Massoud, Olivia Scott Welch, Chloe Levine, Gus Kenworthy, Madison Baines, Derek Johns, Laurent Pitre, Georgia Acken
New York premiere
Jenn Wexler gets into the home invasion holiday horror spirit with her sophomore feature film set in the 1970s, The Sacrifice Game. It’s Christamastime at the Blackvale School for Girls and everyone has gone home except for students Samantha and Clara and their teacher Miss Tanner. All are prepared for an uneventful Christmas with their teacher, Rose, at their deserted school when supernatural evil knocks on the door. Like her first feature, The Ranger, Wexler gives revelations in the power of teen girls but in The Sacrifice Game there’s more at play than just the evils of humans. Expect a good old bloody Christmas story…with a demon.