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2001: A Space Odyssey

Midnite weekend screenings happen on Friday & Saturday nights (meaning arrive on Friday and/or Saturday night by 11:45pm for seating, the movie starts after midnite)!

Director: Stanley Kubrick Run Time: 143 min. Format: 35mm Rating: PG13 Release Year: 1968

Starring: Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester

Structured around four movements, 2001: A Space Odyssey shows discoveries of black monoliths throughout different time periods and the quest to either destroy or discover what they mean. It also deals with the struggle of a growing reliance on technology in a very frightful imagining that computers should never be wrong but that they can also become human. Most importantly, despite its convoluted narrative, 2001 is a symphony of sound and stunning visuals that include the most realistic vision of space for the time of its production.



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