Space Jam
Midnite weekend screenings happen on Friday & Saturday nights (meaning arrive on Friday and/or Saturday night by 11:45pm for seating, the movie starts after midnite)!
Director: Joe Pytka Run Time: 88 min. Format: 35mm Rating: PG Release Year: 1996
Starring: Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Larry Bird, Muggsy Bogues, Wayne Knight, Bill Murray, Billy West
Basketball superstar Michael Jordan and cartoon favorite Bugs Bunny team up with other basketball greats and Looney Tunes characters in this combination animated/live-action feature. Jordan must help the Looney Tunes gang with a basketball game against a group of outer space creatures whose plan, if they win, is to kidnap the Looney Tunes and take them to a failing intergalactic amusement park as the latest attraction.
SEE ALLA Very Curious Girl
The story of the town amateur who lost her standing… among other things
Spoons Toons All Ages
Introduce your favorite childhood cartoons to the next generation (or have them share theirs with us!) and enjoy a late-morning of animated entertainment and unlimited cereal!
Sundays on Fire: Secret Hong Kong 35mm Feature
The most important Chinese fantasy film ever made