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Dark Star

Sat, Mar 2
  • 11:55 pm SATURDAY

Midnite weekend screenings happen on Friday & Saturday nights (meaning arrive on Friday and/or Saturday night by 11:45pm for seating, the movie starts after midnite)!

Sat, Mar 2 @ 11:55 pm: Seating begins Saturday at 11:55; movie starts after midnite

Director: John Carpenter Run Time: 83 min. Format: DCP Rating: G Release Year: 1974

Starring: Dan O’Bannon, Dre Pahich, Brian Narelle

As John Carpenter’s first (read: student) film, Dark Star has a certain unpolished quality to it but, yet, it still bears the markings of what his future feature films would look like. It’s a space adventure story about a crew, twenty years into their mission, who find that things start to go hysterically wrong: there’s a mysterious creature who has gone from pet to terroriser, a dead commander frozen with no advice to offer, and a computer in the throes of an existential crisis. Look beyond its amateur quality (one character is played by multiple actors) and there’s substantive material being addressed here: who am I and why do I exist?



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