Edge of Everything
Midnite weekend screenings happen on Friday & Saturday nights (meaning arrive on Friday and/or Saturday night by 11:45pm for seating, the movie starts after midnite)!
Director: Pablo Feldman, Sophia Sabella Run Time: 82 min. Format: DCP Rating: NR Release Year: 2023
Starring: Sierra McCormick, Jason Butler Harner, Emily Robinson, Dominique Gayle, Nadezhda Amé, Drew Scheid, Anthony Del Negro, Mike Manning
Join The Future of Film is Female for a special preview screening of Sophia Sabella & Pablo Feldman’s coming-of-age film EDGE OF EVERYTHING. To make an additional $10 donation to The Future of Film is Female, select the “Event + Donation” ticket on the checkout screen.
Abby, on the cusp of turning 15 and at a delicate moment in life, is forced to move in with her father and his younger girlfriend. Feeling lost and confused after the loss of her mother, she strikes up a friendship with the carefree and rebellious Caroline, who introduces her to a world of drinking, drugs and sexual experimentation she had never known.